Is the Church Losing Its Anchor?
Without proper instrumentation, it doesn’t take long to drift off course.
And not since the Protestant Reformation has the Christian church been so at risk for capsizing. Postmodernism and the church’s response to it have produced a hesitation . . . and in some cases, an outright disdain for the notion that there is only one true God, and one way of salvation. In an attempt to placate rather than preach, more and more churches and institutions are adopting a stance that is no stance at all.
Fatal Drift chronicles this slow surrender to the spirit of the age, and the inevitable trajectory of such accommodation. Drawing from over three decades of pastoral experience, Jim Jenkins shows that the issue is not new, nor should it surprise us. He traces the former battles and staggering prophetic warnings of Francis Schaeffer, Charles Spurgeon, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, among others. From his experiences as a Navy chaplain, Dr. Jenkins demonstrates the critical need for trustworthy instruments while navigating changing conditions.
In the name of tolerance, today’s activists attack the reliability and changeless nature of Scripture. Christian leaders loosen their mooring to the guiding truths of the Bible, in favor of extra-biblical sources that make their message more palatable. The resulting ambiguity is wreaking havoc and leading many to a shipwreck of their faith.
John Warwick Montgomery said, “The church will remain ineffective as long as it has as its spokesmen the people who have been falling all over each other to be ‘relevant.’ Ages of faith are not marked by dialogue but by proclamation.” This is a book about absolutes, in a day when the idea of absolute truth is unpopular. And it’s essential reading for anyone who hopes to avoid losing their way in a sea of false teaching and wayward doctrine.
available at
About the Author:
Jim Jenkins was a Navy Reserve Chaplain for 21 years, and a pastor for 40 years. He holds a Doctorate in Ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary, and taught Bible College and Seminary courses at The King’s Seminary for more than 10 years. As part of the Chaplain’s Emergency Response Team, Jim and the other team members received the Distinguished Service Award for their service at Ground Zero.
Praise for Fatal Drift:
“Jim Jenkins speaks to the foundational need of the evangelical movement today. The relativism, humanism, and diminishing regard for the authority of God’s Word, along with the paucity of pulpits where the Scriptures are exegeted faithfully and expounded with boldness, has laid the soul of the 21st-century church open to immense risk. I heartily encourage pastors, and any others who care about Christ’s people and our needy world, to read this book. I am particularly grateful for its boldness and faithfulness to speak with passion, while avoiding the condescending, stentorian tone too often sounded when addressing such a needful message.”
Dr. Jack Hayford, chancellor of The King’s University, Los Angeles CA
“Jim Jenkins has written a powerful exposé of the spiritual illness afflicting many evangelical churches today over the nature of Scripture. Out of a rich background in several ministries over a span of several decades, Jim writes with clarity, precision, and integrity. His use of metaphors, including those drawn from the sea, enriches his treatment and shows just how dark and foreboding the uncharted waters are. All who care for the ‘ship’ of the church should read his book.”
-Dr. James De Young, author of Burning Down The Shack
“In this postmodern culture, which suggests our scientific age is old and we need a new, culturally relevant way to reach this new age, it is important that we take time to focus on what Francis Schaffer called ‘true truth.’ We need to be reminded that, historically, belief systems and knowledge continue to change, but truth is timeless and never changes. Also, the God who created man in His own image and likeness is able and has communicated with His creation. Dr. Jenkins has effectively communicated that the truth of God’s inerrant Word to modern man in our generation is reliable and worthy of our trust and faith.”
Paul Smith, author of New Evangelicalism: New World Order
“It is a pleasure to endorse Dr. Jim Jenkins, a trusted colleague and former student. His passion for the Word of God springs from every page. He says, ‘Throughout my entire ministry I have been watching, warning, and preaching because I see something. There has been a steady, methodical, relentless assault on the authority of the Scriptures’ (p. 74). The postmodern reaction against all propositional truth, especially in the Bible, exacerbates this assault and further erodes the authority of the Bible. I applaud Jim’s outrage! With skilled writing and a kindly tone, he shows us the dangers we face. I urge every spiritual leader and pastor to read this book. It will open your eyes to the tragedy of calibrating our message to the culture, instead of the proclaiming the timeless principles of the Word of God.”
Dr. Ronald E. Cottle, founder-president of Christian Life Educators Network; ACTS Network
It’s not too late! A deadly drift toward popular trends threatens theological truths. Navigating the rugged shoreline of the pounding Pacific Northwest, this former Navy chaplain boldly warns of impending doom. With vivid illustrations of the sea, Jim graphically describes the subtle spiritual situations that must be reversed. Perhaps this treasure will ignite revival in our day. Jonathan Edwards penned these words: “From the beginning of time, God has had revival on His mind.”
Dr. Ralph Wilkerson, founder of the Melodyland School of Theology; pastor of Melodyland Christian Center
“Jim Jenkins proclaims the clarion call that challenges today’s believers to remember that the Holy Bible is not just an ordinary book, but one divinely inspired by the Almighty God. The theology of today’s evangelicals is being called into question by the media, progressives, and college professors; today’s scientific, intellectual, and political negativism toward the Bible has spilled over into the classroom where young students are chastised for defending their faith. Fatal Drift is thorough and biblically sound; it is a comprehensive read that penetrates to the core of the problem evangelicals face today—compromise. Jim Jenkins calls on every believer to return to the faith of our fathers, who proclaimed the plenary inspiration of Scripture—to become apologists in the face of progressivism as it forges onward. Every Christian should read Jenkins’ book. It will make a difference in their lives.”
Dr. Henry Harbuck, international overseer of the Association of Evangelical Gospel Ministries; general editor of the New Millennia In-Depth Bible