radio_microphoneI had listened to the Mark Levin national radio talk show a number of times over the years. As I pulled into a parking lot, I just felt a prompting to call in. Almost immediately I got through to his call screener. Mark not only took my call, he actually engaged me in a a substantial dialogue to do with a topic that I covered in some length in my book Fatal Drift – Is the Church losing its Anchor?

After holding me over a commercial break, and after I made my point about the sinister side of ‘narrative creation’ and the progressive tactic of ignoring certainty and downplaying the very notion of absolute truth, Mark then blurted out  “So what’s the name of your book?” He has an audience of over a million listeners on any given day. I got 4 calls from all around the country within 2 hours of that broadcast, and my publisher wrote and asked me, “What happened last week? There was a spike in your online book sales.”

I tell you this to illustrate that the message of the book and the mission of The Jude 3 Fellowship is relevant. I actually got through to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity in the last 6 months as well (although in both instances it didn’t open for me to mention the book…those who called in after me resonated with my remarks.) Mind you, many have tried to reach any one of these shows for years and never gotten through.

Here is what I have learned. There is a need for The Jude 3 Fellowship. I have also learned that I don’t know much about promoting a book or a ministry. I need help. The ministry needs a budget for mailings and technical support, travel etc. Frankly I need for many of you to prayerfully consider supporting the Jude 3 Fellowship.

Check out the Donate button on the home page. Your gifts are tax deductible. You can give a one time gift or… we really need for many of you to prayerfully consider a monthly amount for this pivotal next year. Keep in mind that if you want to take advantage of your year end charitable giving credit, we will need to hear from you before the end of the year.
I truly  feel that if I can just get in front of people… or get interviewed on the radio, that the sphere of The Jude 3 Fellowship’s influence will grow. I see a day when The Jude 3 Fellowship will be offering In-service training and seminars to church staffs, seminary chapels and local churches all around the country. In the next two months I have engagements to speak in Washington, New Mexico and Florida. Will you pray about partnering with me to see this vital ministry continue and to thrive?
I close with Jude verse 3
“Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints”
Thank you in advance
Dr. Jim Jenkins
