Someone recently asked me what my hopes were regarding the recent release of my book From Rubble to Redemption…A Ground Zero Chaplain Remembers. I was surprised at how quickly I responded. I told him that the book is about rubble, tragedy, and loss. It is also about how the Lord has promised that even in the midst of hopelessness and despair, He can reach us—even if we are in a debris field of broken dreams and dashed hopes and piles of rubble that remind of us all that was lost.

When I decided to write the book, I was acutely aware that I was writing about an event that took place 20 years ago. Many young people today do not have a visceral connection to the feelings that engulfed our nation. There will be, I thought, at least a passing interest, due to the fact that this is the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

We are all, however, in the midst of something that has never happened in my lifetime…a global pandemic and a global power grab by people citing ‘The Great Reset.’ I have been amazed at the interest level every time I get the opportunity to talk about the book. Most heartening of all is the number of 20 somethings who are asking some profound question about 9/11. They seem to intuitively recognize that something highly significant is going on in the world and they want to know how God fits into it.

I plan to use this season to post a series of devotional thoughts based on the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. In these 2 books we will read how God kept His promise and made a way for his people to face the rubble, address the rubble and the captivity and opposition from the enemy to rebuild what had been destroyed.

Available Now at

In the meantime, may I ask you a favor? The book is now being offered on Amazon (both Paperback and Kindle). Would you prayerfully consider getting one and buying one for a friend? The current price is deeply discounted—at least for now. I had the opportunity to mention the title of the book on a nationally syndicated talk show with an audience of millions. I believe that the Lord is showing great favor right now and I want to do my part to get this message out right now while people will be remembering 9/11.

Thank you

Dr. J.
